5 Free Audiobook Gems Found in LibriVox for Christians


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Don’t like reading books? Do you prefer listening to audio? Are you a podcast type of guy? Then LibriVox is for you! This audiobook website is pure gold for audio loving folks. LibriVox houses volunteer driven public domain audiobooks that are free to listen and download. The audiobooks here will provide you hours upon hours of listening pleasure. You can find works from Mark Twain, Lewis Carrol, Oscar Wilde, Voltaire and many more! The audios may not be as good as stuff from Audible but hey its free. But that’s not all. LibriVox also carries classic Christian works. Check out these great finds and start listening!

The Sovereignty of God by A. W. Pink – So what does it mean for God being sovereign? This classic book from Arthur Pink explores this profound aspect of God from Scriptures.

The Mortification of Sin by John Owen – Sin is a lifelong battle for every believer and we need not to lean on our own strength to win this war. Even now that we are in Christ, need to seriously fight sin.

Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards – Written by the Puritan intellect Jonathan Edwards, this book contemplates on the Christian experience as inseparable of both emotion and intellect. This is work is influential to John Piper in his life and ministry.

The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther– Before the controversial issue of free will and predestination spilled over Facebook, there was Martin Luther and this book as a rebuttal to the claims of Erasmus. The Bondage of the Will provides early Reformation apologetics concerning the doctrine of grace.

Confessions by Augustine of Hippo – The epic book that is a Christian classic and one of the greatest contribution to literature, is an autobiography by Augustine as he tells his testimony specifically his conversion to Christianity.

In Libri Vox you can also find works from J. C. RyleJohn CalvinAndrew MurrayJohn BunyanCharles SpurgeonAthanasius, just to name a few. If you’re a patient fellow you might also try to use the search bar to find works or authors you love as long as the book belongs to the public domain. Happy audiobook hunting!

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales is an ordinary guy who serves an extraordinary God. A government employee, blogger, and founder of https://delightinggrace.wordpress.com. Happily married to Cristy-Ann and father to Agatha Christie who worship and serve at Faithway Community Baptist Church, Sta. Rita Batangas City.
Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales is an ordinary guy who serves an extraordinary God. A government employee, blogger, and founder of https://delightinggrace.wordpress.com. Happily married to Cristy-Ann and father to Agatha Christie who worship and serve at Faithway Community Baptist Church, Sta. Rita Batangas City.

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