8 Favorite Quotes from the Book “Last Words” by Robert J. Nash


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February 17 is this year’s Ash Wednesday and we will commemorate Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross for the sins of His elect. It’s fitting to have resources for Lent that will help us reflect on this momentous event. I think this book by Robert J. Nash is an indispensable guide that takes readers through the precious words of Jesus before He took his final breath.

Here’s some quotes from that book, Last Words: Seven Sayings from the Heart of Christ on the Cross by Robert J. Nash, published last year by New Growth Press. If you like these quotes, please get the book by clicking here. You can also read my interview with him on preparing for Lent here.

“The true King and true Lord suffered and bled for the expansion of worship to every tribe, tongue, and nation throughout history—including yours. God was making worship happen across the world and time, enduring the pain of the cross.”

“Do you hunger for belonging? Do you want to be known? Do you want to be part of something bigger? By grace through faith you are united to God through his Son’s finished work on the cross. You do belong.”

“Eternal life is free to you because Jesus paid the ultimate price at the cross. Do you long for eternal life and paradise? Then believe! Do you desire forgiveness, peace with God, and his presence? Then believe! However sinful and hopeless your situation may seem, confess and believe, and hear Jesus’s word to the thief as words to you. Today you will be with me in paradise.”

“The most horrible experience Jesus suffered was God’s wrath on him for our rebellion. The penalty for every evil deed, each wicked thought, and all sinful words of those who were children of God and would become children of God by faith in Jesus was experienced in those dying breaths.”

“Jesus took your sin at the cross. Walk in the light of what Jesus has done. He took your sin, all of it. Let Jesus’s exchange put a spring in your step and smile on your face. You have a fresh start today because of the finished work of Christ through faith. Rejoice!”

“The greatest treasure of all is the Father himself. He is greater than all things conceived and combined. Heaven is going to be amazing. You and I have an unmatched inheritance because of this adoption.”

“Fatherhood of God is extended to you through what Jesus did and reverberates in his committing himself into the Father’s hands.”

“How many times have you failed, fallen, and fumbled? How many times have you tried not to go back and sin in the same way, yet you felt like you could not stop? God knows and saw it ahead of time. But when God looks at you in an eternal sense, he sees his Son. He doesn’t see your sin. Jesus became the final offering for sin, transforming your moral rags to riches.”

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales is an ordinary guy who serves an extraordinary God. A government employee, blogger, and founder of https://delightinggrace.wordpress.com. Happily married to Cristy-Ann and father to Agatha Christie who worship and serve at Faithway Community Baptist Church, Sta. Rita Batangas City.
Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales is an ordinary guy who serves an extraordinary God. A government employee, blogger, and founder of https://delightinggrace.wordpress.com. Happily married to Cristy-Ann and father to Agatha Christie who worship and serve at Faithway Community Baptist Church, Sta. Rita Batangas City.

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