8 Favorite Quotes From the Book “Pray Big” by Alistair Begg


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In these troubled times, we need God’s sovereign hand. Nothing in this world can be more comforting than seeking God who holds and sustains everything. Whether it’s ending the pandemic or something as personal as asking for provision, God will surely listen to our petitions.

Here’s some quotes from the book, Pray Big by Alistair Begg published by The Good Book Company. If you like these quotes, please get the book by clicking here. https://www.thegoodbook.com/pray-big

“Our conversation with others declares what is on our minds. But our conversation with God in private reveals what is in our hearts. Listen to someone pray—or listen to yourself pray—and you gain a window into the very center of the being.”

“The Christian knows that the Creator of everything is not a father; he’s their Father. That’s not a metaphor—that’s a reality.”

“A self-assured person is not going to pray prayers of petition; there’s no need to pray if you think you have got it all covered. A self-righteous person is not going to pray prayers of confession; there’s no need to pray if you think you’re good enough to earn God’s blessing. But the person who knows their heart before God—the person who knows the depth of their need of forgiveness and help from God.”

“If Jesus Christ, the greatest teacher in the world, followed up his instruction by prayer, what of us? If Jesus Christ, who was set on a mission that changed not just world history but all of eternity, took time to pray, what of us? If Jesus Christ, the Son of God, knew that he needed to pray, what of us?”

“Christ has gone ahead, and Christ has prepared your place. It’s hard to see day by day. Even when we understand intellectually, we may give in to fear emotionally. That’s why you need to ask God to make your hope real to you, and ask God to make it real to those around you. Pray for a focus on your hope. “

“Our knowledge of the love of Christ, in our heads and our hearts, is an experiential knowledge, but it can never be an exhaustive knowledge. We cannot exhaust the knowledge of the love of Christ. There are dimensions to his love that will always remain beyond us, even as we come to appreciate more and more how vast it is.”

“My prayers—whether I pray, how much I pray, about what I pray—reveal my priorities. And they reveal how much I really think I need God, or whether I am, deep down, in fact self-assured and self-righteous. “

“Prayer reminds us who we are, and who our Father is. Prayer expresses our dependence and it reinforces our dependence.”

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales is an ordinary guy who serves an extraordinary God. A government employee, blogger, and founder of https://delightinggrace.wordpress.com. Happily married to Cristy-Ann and father to Agatha Christie who worship and serve at Faithway Community Baptist Church, Sta. Rita Batangas City.
Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales

Marianito “Nitoy” M. Gonzales is an ordinary guy who serves an extraordinary God. A government employee, blogger, and founder of https://delightinggrace.wordpress.com. Happily married to Cristy-Ann and father to Agatha Christie who worship and serve at Faithway Community Baptist Church, Sta. Rita Batangas City.

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