Proverbs 31:1-31
Verse 10-31 describes the character of a virtuous woman, an Industrious and diligent provider for her home. According to Elizabeth George, this is God’s Alphabet of Feminine Character.
Here, we see the characters of a virtuous woman according to the heart of God.
Description v. 30
Proverbs 31:30 – Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (ESV)
Many women might say that they are disqualified when the Scripture speaks of a virtuous woman. However, it does not describe a superwoman or even a super Christian.
What is described here is a woman who fears the LORD. This is the foundation of her character.
“The fear of the LORD is the disposition that considers the smile of God our greatest desire and the frown of God our greatest dread.”
John Brown
It is to know that God is God, holy, just, loving, merciful, etc.
Proverbs 9:10 – The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (ESV)
If you do not know the LORD, you wouldn’t fear Him. The fear of the LORD is foundational to being a virtuous woman. We need to foster in our hearts the grace of the fear of the LORD.
Do you desire to imitate the virtuous woman? Then, cultivate gospel fear first.
Proverbs 4:23 – Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (ESV)
Amidst daily duties, we need to take time to read and pray. The fear of the LORD won’t flourish in our hearts without prayer and the Word. Even when doing the mundane task, we must do it with an eye to the smile of God.
Mothers should prepare daughters to be potential wives. One’s career should not eclipse her preparation to be a wife and a mother. Similarly, boys should also be taught to be future husbands. This is the goal of mothers for their children, raising godly children to be godly husbands and wives in the fear of the LORD.
Again, this does not describe a super Christian, but a woman who fears the LORD.
Vocation (1-9)
Mothers must instruct their sons and daughters. A godly mother seeks to transfer the wisdom that the LORD taught her in His Word to her children.
a. Mothers are to instruct both sons and daughters.
Proverbs 1:8 – Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching. (ESV)
While the Father is the primary prophet and teacher at home, this does not mean that mothers should be silent.
b. Mothers are to instruct both sons and daughters on all subjects including courtship, married life, etc.
Lemuel was taught to look for a potential wife.
Proverbs 31:10 – An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. (ESV)
The virtuous woman prays for her son.
” If you would have, Christian mother, your child a Samuel or an Augustine, be yourself a Hannah or a Monica. The child of your prayers, of your vows, and of your tears, will be in the LORD’s best time the child of your praises, your rejoicings, and your richest consolation.”
Charles Bridges
c. Mothers employ all means to teach their children.
Lemuel’s mom used a literary device called an alphabetic acrostic, where each line begins with a successive letter in the Hebrew alphabet, to teach her son.
The primary orientation of a virtuous woman is toward her home and family in the fear of the LORD.
Wives, amidst motherly desire, don’t lose sight of your husband. v.11-12
Husbands, don’t neglect, misuse, or abuse your wife, but esteem her ministry as a wife and mother at home.
Young man, you may have the riches of this world but a prudent woman is a gift from the LORD. (Pr 19:14)
Biblical womanhood and manhood all boil down to the fear of the LORD. We cannot recover true manhood and womanhood without the fear of the LORD. Cultivate it daily through prayer and the Word, live with it and pass it to the next generation.
To God be the glory!
This blog is based on our Pastor’s Woman Fellowship Message