I’ll be sharing quotes from a book that made a ninja move over my reading list. It’s short but a great read and it didn’t get in the way between reading two parenting books.
Here’s some quotes from a 2019 book , Before You Open Your Bible by Matt Smethurst published by 10 Publishing. If you like these quotes, please get the book by clicking here.
“Have you ever wondered why the Bible is so long? One reason is because God is so patient. It’s the long story of his longsuffering. And why has he been so patient? Because he loves us, yes. But even more specifically, because he’s been carefully executing a plan—a plan to share his endless joy with his rescued people, a multitude no one can count (Rev. 7:9.)”
“The Bible has one ultimate plan, one ultimate plot, one ultimate champion, one ultimate King. This is what “Christocentrically” means— centered on Christ.”
“Your Bible is tangible evidence that the Maker of the universe is a communicator; he’s someone who initiates, who reveals, who speaks.”
“Your Bible is like an all-access pass into the revealed mind and heart of God.”
“Your soul will wither and die without your Bible. Approach it desperately.”
“The purpose of the words of Jesus and his apostles—the purpose of your Bible, friend—is to flood your heart with joy.”
“If you read the Bible, you’ll never get the impression that it’s meant to be a mere hobby in your life. It’s meant to be your food.”
“…approach God’s Word prayerfully, asking him to satisfy this restless heart with steadfast love.”