Spiritual Checklist


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These questions are written by James Nisbet [1676 – 1756] from his Spiritual Checklist – Table 14.1. Seek to ask these questions to your soul, prayerfully and humbly:

  1. Am I leveling all the actions of my life to the glory of God…….? 
  2. Am I ever-resisting sin [in] my heart, and bearing witness against it in my life…? 
  3. Am I ever searching if I be savingly convinced of my lost state and condition…? 
  4. Am I fully and sweetly persuaded that Jesus Christ is my only… remedy? 
  5. Am I ever-striving in the use of all the means of grace… to embrace… [Christ]?
  6. Am I willing to have him for my Lord and Lawgiver, as well as Lord and Savior? 
  7. Am I ever seeking to be a debtor to free grace…? 
  8. Am I ever seeking to get atheism and ignorance rooted out, and saving illumination flowing from Christ’s prophetic office, implanted in my heart and soul? Am I ever seeking [delivery] from the condemning power of sin by virtue of Christ’s priestly office? Am I ever seeking [delivery] from the power and tyranny of sin. by virtue of Christ’s kingly office? 
  9. Am I ever studying the spirituality of the law as a schoolmaster leading me to Christ, who is the end thereof to all who believe in him? 
  10. Am I ever taking the law for a rule to square my life conversation…
  11. Am I ever thirsting after the pardon of… sin. and (Christ’s] intercession… therein? 
  12. Am I ever hating all sin, and prizing holiness at all times? 
  13. Am I greatly grieved when iniquities prevail against me? And do I run to the blood of Christ for daily washing? 
  14. Am I greatly grieved when the Lord withholds… [his] face
  15. Am I ever seeking to have a present Lord with me at gospel ordinances, that he may be glorified, and my salvation promoted? 
  16. Am I studying, in the Lord’s strength, ever to be a martyr for [God’s] truth…? 
  17. Am I ever searching Scripture what I am to believe concerning God. and what I am to practice as a real Christian? 
  18. Am I ever seeking of the Lord… to be strong in faith…  and get all my doubts cleared by the light of his Word and help of his Spirit? 
  19. Am I ever seeking (the Lord’s help to get all my fears prevented? 
  20. Am I ever taking heed lest I fall, remembering, blessed is he that feareth always
  21. Am I ever endeavoring to giorify the Lord… [by using the means of grace when he is hiding himself as when he is, in some measure, present? 
  22. Am I striving to take the beam out of mine own eye rather than censure others? 
  23. Am I ever hating and keeping at a distance from the vicious practice and sinful ways of the wicked, but pitying and loving their persons? 
  24. Am I ever exercising a holy indignation against myself for all my sinful miscarriages, and a holy jealousy over myself for all times to come? 
  25. Am I ever seeking to be brought out and from under a covenant of works. and to be bought to and established in grace’s freest and well-ordered covenant? 
  26. Am I ever preparing for death, judgment, and eternity, and… [reminding myself] that I must give an exact account of all my thoughts. words. and actions? 
  27. Am I ever seeking to have my mind sanctified and brought to my lot? 
  28. Am I ever seeking… the Lord’s [help] to comply… and to submit to his… will? 
  29. Am I ever acknowledging the Lord in the whole of my ways? 
  30. Am I ever setting the Lord before me and living under… [an] impression of him? 
  31. Am I ever seeking that the cause of the Lord’s people, and the condition of his work and interest, may ever lie near my heart…?” 

To God be the glory!
This article was published by Jeff Chavez for Herald of Grace Covenant Bible Church of Cavite. Click on the link for the original source: https://hgcbcc.com/2023/04/06/spiritual-checklist/

Jeff Chavez

Jeff Chavez

Jeff Chavez is a servant of the LORD Jesus Christ, husband of Gloryben, and father of Myrhh Abigail. One of the preachers and teachers at Herald of Grace Covenant Bible Church of Cavite.
Jeff Chavez

Jeff Chavez

Jeff Chavez is a servant of the LORD Jesus Christ, husband of Gloryben, and father of Myrhh Abigail. One of the preachers and teachers at Herald of Grace Covenant Bible Church of Cavite.

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